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A New Education Divide

The Rise of the New Elite

A New Education Divide

The rise of the new elite reflects the rise of a powerful new education divide in Britain and other countries. For some, education is a passport to a better life, a way to escape poverty and gain access to the best jobs and opportunities. For others, it is a new class of professional technocrats who have imbibed the latest ideas about gender, race, and the environment.

Culture War Politics

So-called culture war politics is never a 50-50 game. It is usually a 70-30 game which breaks down into three parts: 30% of the population is passionately for change, 30% is passionately against it, and 40% is in the middle, not sure what they think. The 40% in the middle is the key to winning or losing culture war politics.

Matt has argued that a new elite has come to dominate public life, leading institutions, and the cultural landscape. I was surprised and delighted to find my new book, Values: Capitalism, Liberalism, and the Rise of the New Elite, has resonated with so many people.
